Friday, March 6, 2009

Blogging 101

My initial thoughts regarding Library 2.0 technology were fairly mixed. At first I was quite excited by the prospect, but upon further study I came to realize that in many ways Library 2.0 is more interactive than its predecessor. In fact, it (or the machine) learns about you and your preferences simply from the input it receives when you use it. At this point I was concerned. What if Library 2.0 became self-aware and decided to use its arsenal of my RSS feeds, networking buddies, tagged pictures and so on to destroy my life or worse - steal my identity? Well, it would not be hyperbole to say that I was terrified. I mean, what kinds of horrendous things could this new and nebulous technology do with my identity? Could it sign me up for awful tarot card newsletters, cancel my subscription to 'Cat Fancy' and instead subscribe to the dog magazine? Not the dog magazine! Suffice it to say that these were not very appealing prospects so I decided to banish web 2.0 and all of its various incarnations from all aspects of my life. However, I quickly had a change of heart after realizing this would entail deleting my facebook, twitter & myspace profiles and ending my favorite pasttime of updating Wikipedia with blatantly bad information. So it seems web 2.0 had already infiltrated my leisurely activities. At this point my terror was replaced by cautious optimism. I was receiving no awful tarot newsletters and my cat was still my number one. Perhaps web 2.0 was not as nefarious as I had previously thought?

I must now say that after that initial rollercoaster of emotion, I have come to love and embrace web 2.0. My only suggestion for new things you could possibly do behind the scenes would be to ensure that it does not cancel my 'Cat Fancy' subscription.

While you are fixing the whole identity theft problem, here are some of my favorite blogs to check out:

my favorite technology blog:

my favorite fitness blog:

my very funny and opinionated friend Kristen's rantings (be warned, sometimes she uses some strong language):

my favorite twitter pages (they totally count, they're just mini-blogs) (yes, it's THE Levar Burton of Star Trek & Reading Rainbow fame...)


  1. Gizmodo rocks! Try engadget too, Today's headline:
    Netbook-based robot takes popcorn orders via-Twitter

  2. Sounded like you were describing the Terminator series.Better not let your guard down.

  3. It's going to happen, I am going to be the new Sarah Connor... but seeing as I don't have any kids... would that make my cat the new savior from Skynet?
